Why Some Athletes Should Not Diet
1:15 PM | Author: why-is-nutrition-important

Good nutrition is important. Our health depends on the nutrients we consume and not only when we work out, but every day. Nutrition has its effect on growth and performance in mind and body. It is vital that you consume what is necessary and benefits your needs.

Even if people in the western world eat a lot, that doesn't mean they are in good nutrition label health. People tend to eat whatever is easy and accessible but is not always nutritional. The lack of the need for healthy diet plan or right food starts with a good education on what type of food you need on a daily basis. There are people who don't understand what they are eating or if it is useful for their health. There are also people who just don't care and people that just can't help themselves.

For various it is really hard to stop the food that is presented in the media; because it's available and tasty, they eat it. The media also tends to advertise more unhealthy junk foods rather than healthy ones. This is what they do and they are pretty good at it. But it is your decision to eat it or not. If you don't exercise on a regular basis, all this eating can lead to being overweight. All the food that is digested that is more than the body needs will be stored as fat. As an athlete you are likely not to fall into this trap.

Although you might think that athletes don't fall into this trap, you would be surprised to know how many still do. Some of these athletes just don't understand the sports nutritional principals. It's all about education.

The nutrition an athlete needs depends on several factors like sex, age and body type. The training program and the nutritional program need to be made for that certain athlete.

Another mistake that some athlete nutrition make is to go on a diet. When a diet is not consulted by a physician the performance can be less than expected. For an athlete, diets need to be tailor made and when you're just following a healthy diet plan the lack of knowledge often results in bad performance. Athletes should be very careful when going on a diet. The diet can do more wrong than right. Just dieting is not much more than starving yourself. Dieting and doing too much exercise will increase the risk of slowing down your metabolism and your body might start using the protein found in your muscles as a source for energy. You will loose weight and muscle tissue. This can be very harmful and therefore should be avoided.

The right amount of fat in our body is good. We need the fat for certain physiological processes in the body and fat holds toxins. Why Athletes Should Not Diet When we lose our body fat too fast, the toxins that were encapsulated within the body fat, are released back into the body. These extra amounts of toxins in our system can make us sick.

There are two types of fat in our food. There is saturated fat and unsaturated fat. The saturated fat comes from certain animals like pigs and cows and will make you gain more weight. Thus this fat needs to be avoided. The unsaturated fat comes from fruits, olives, nuts and oily fish like salmon. This is good fat. This fat will help your blood flow and make your body healthy. Look for these in olive oil, walnuts, avocado and margarine.

As mentioned before, an athlete needs to be more careful with diets because the diet can be harmful for your body. By following a popular diet you're depriving your body of proper nutrition and you're risking using muscle proteins as a fuel source. When you need to lose weight, consult a sports medicine physician and follow this diet.
Which Diet Suits You?
11:11 PM | Author: why-is-nutrition-important

The sign of a modern grown society seems to be people close to those plain bulges. And lots of free diet plans! All right, let's face it. We will keep to live with dieting. The question then is how to do it essentially and safely.

Dieting refers to regulated food intake to satisfy a short-term ambition: losing weight or uniting it. Diet refers to the food items that form the dieting process.

Human beings want essential nutrients such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals. A nicely-organized diet must meet the nutrition label or it could threaten general health and physical fitness. The diet must make the person healthy enough to be active and still provide only enough calories that can be burned away in the course of a day without it accumulating as fat.

The reality is not every diet works for everyone. That is because there are metabolic differences between individuals. The challenge is to choose a diet that works for you. This you can do only with the assist of a physician.

Diet pills are quite popular among health-conscious individuals. Some diet pills are associated with wide dietary programs. However, these diet pills, particularly the ones containing vitamins and minerals are not effective weight-loss tools for everyone. Some medicines cause short-term weight loss, but the loss is normally accompanied by dangerous side-effects.
Diet drugs can be classified into diuretics and stimulants. Diuretics induce water-weight loss, while stimulants such as ephedrine increase the heart rate and reduce appetite. These drugs can also cause kidney and liver damage. The stimulants increase your risk of sudden heart attacks and also cause addiction. Always look for FDA approval for these diet drugs.
Exotic dieting patterns are not just ineffective, but dangerouus as well. Starvation diets are undertaken by many to gain that perfect figure - the lean and athletic Ally McBeal look. But these diets are normally counterproductive. Yo-yo dieting refers to alternating periods of feasting and famine. It too is quite ineffective. When you starve, the body responds by decreasing metabolism. When you begin consuming food agan, the food gets stored as fat. These adjustments leave the dieter feeling lethargic and fatigued.

Certain medical conditions require special diets. A diabetic person is put on a diet for managing the blood sugar level, while mild hypertension is partly cured by following a diet of fruits and vegetables and a diet low in fat and sodium. The hypertension diet could focus on weight loss, if controlling blood pressure is necessary. Celiac disease patients follow a gluten-free diet, while people with kidney disease are required to follow a low-sodium diet to reduce the load on the kidneys. Lactose-intolerant people leave out milk products from their diet.

Many diets include medicinal plants. These herbs include leaves, bark, berries, roots, gums, seeds, stems, and flowers. They come in the form of tablets, capsules, liquid beverages, bark pieces, powders, tinctures, fluid extracts, creams, lotions, salves, and oils. These medicines include herbal products which are available over-the-counter or at health food stores. However, it's always better to consume medications prescribed by doctors and provided by pharmacists.

Go on a diet if you need to. But play it safe, and do it in consultation with your doctor. And remember, if one diet does not work for you, it doesn't mean you have failed. You could still find a diet training that will work wonders for you!
Nutrition Facts Apples
6:02 PM | Author: why-is-nutrition-important

Do you know that the Nutrition Facts Apples can give can help you have a healthy lifestyle? Well there's no easier way to add a dose of nutrition label to your day than by crunching on a tasty apple. You probably first experienced its delightful flavor as a baby, when applesauce introduced you to real food. And now, whether it's a Granny Smith, a McIntosh, or a Red Delicious, you think of apples as old friends. Grown throughout the world, apples are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They're fat-free, cholesterol-free, and low in sodium. In short, eating apples is a smart part of a healthy lifestyle.

6 ways apples keep you healthy

regulate your day.
You don't have to worry about staying regular anymore. Whether your problem is visiting the bathroom too often or not often enough, apples can help.
Just one apple with its skin contains 4 to 5 grams of fiber - the most important nutrient in keeping your bowels working like a well-oiled machine. Keeping yourself regular without relying on harmful laxatives could be as easy as replacing that afternoon snack of potato chips or cookies with a crisp, delicious apple. And think of the calories you'll save. The average apple has about 80 calories while a serving of chips weighs in at 150 calories and you'll get about 200 from just a few cookies.

But that's not all apples can do. They're also good for diarrhea, thanks to an ingredient called pectin. This carbohydrate has a congealing effect in your intestines that helps firm things up and returns you to normal. Applesauce is actually the best apple product for diarrhea, since it's made without the high.-fiber skin. But watch out for extra sugar. Some brands of applesauce dump a truckload of sweeteners into an otherwise healthy food, and too much refined sugar could make your diarrhea worse. And always remember that good nutrition important.

Keeps your body young.
By now you know antioxidants can protect you from many of the diseases that seem to be a part of aging. In fact, so many people are taking supplements for antioxidant protection that it's become a multibillion-dollar industry. But the evidence is mounting that whole foods can do more for you than pills.

When scientists compared a 1,500-milligram vitamin C supplement to one small apple, the results were astounding - the antioxidant values were equal. That means a fresh apple has more than 15 times the antioxidant power of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C. And that's just for starters. The researchers also found an ordinary apple was able to stop the growth of colon and liver cancer cells in test tubes. Unpeeled apples were especially effective. That’s why is nutrition important the question you need to ask yourself: Why waste money on flavorless supplements when you can get better antioxidant firepower from a sweet, crunchy fruit?

Cuts your risk of heart disease. Sometimes it's hard to remember which food is good for which part of your body. The next time you pick up an apple, examine it carefully. It's shaped a bit like a heart - and that should help you remember apples are good for your heart.
It's the magnesium and potassium in apples that help regulate your blood pressure and keep your heart beating steadily, and it's the flavonoid quercetin, a naturally occurring antioxidant, that protects your artery walls from damage and keeps your blood flowing smoothly.
In fact adding flavonoid-rich foods like apples to your healthy diet plan has been scientifically confirmed to lower your risk of heart disease. There's proof of this in a study of Japanese women who ate foods high in quercetin. They were less likely to get coronary heart disease than other women and they had lower levels of total and LDL, or bad, cholesterol .

Strikes at the heart of strokes.
Apples are even a smart choice for helping avoid strokes. Scientists aren't sure which ingredient in this multi-talented fruit to credit, but the connection is clear - people who regularly eat apples are less likely to have strokes than people who don't.

Protects your joints.
In areas of the world where fruit and vegetables make up a large part of the diet, very few people get arthritis. Compare this to modernized countries where fruits and vegetables have been replaced with fast, processed food and you'll find up to 70 percent of the population suffers from some form of arthritis. Just a coincidence? Not according to nutrition experts. They link this trend in part to boron, a trace mineral many plants, including apples, absorb from the soil.
If you eat like most people, you'll get about 1 to 2 milligrams (mg) of boron a day, mostly from non-citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, and nuts. Experts believe, however, you need anywhere from 3 to 10 mg a day to affect your risk of arthritis. To boost your boron intake to this level, you'd have to eat more than nine apples a day.

This is probably an unreasonable amount for most people, but don't despair. Pair an apple with other boron-rich foods like a few tablespoons of peanut butter and a large handful of raisins, and you'll not only have a delicious afternoon snack, but you'll make your joint-saving quota of boron at the same time.

Helps you breathe deeply.
Your lungs are assaulted every day by cigarette smoke, air pollution, pollen, and other air-borne nastiest. On top of that perhaps you suffer from asthma, emphysema, or similar lung condition. If all you want to do is take a deep breath, then grab an apple.
A five-year study of more than 2,500 men from Wales found those who ate five or more apples per week were able to fill their lungs with more air than men who didn't eat apples. Experts believe you might be getting some special protection from the antioxidant quercetin. Unfortunately, eating apples can't reverse a lung condition you already have, but you just might add a new line of defense against further damage.

Pantry pointers
Buy apples that are unbruised, firm, and have good color. Take them out of their plastic bag and store them in your refrigerator - loose in the produce bin or in a paper bag are best. And since they will absorb odors, keep them away from strong-smelling foods like garlic and onions.
Fruit Nutrition Fact
1:04 PM | Author: why-is-nutrition-important

Do you Want to know more about fruit nutrition fact?

Fruit, goldmine of vitamins, minerals and fiber are ideal to eat at minimum 4-5 servings in a day for a healthy diet plan. Considering they are in the natural form, justify for largest part of water and 100% bad cholesterol free a reason why is nutrition important. It's much easier for the body to process and absorb the vitamins and minerals from the new fruit one essential part of the nutrition pyramid.

Apple - Circular fruit with tons of fiber, vitamins A, C, E and foliate great for athlete nutrition. Available in green, red or yellow skin when ready. As a fruit nutrition fact, apples limit the risk of colon cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. They also help with heart disease, weight loss and controlling cholesterol, another way to gain a healthy diet for athletes.

Bananas - Long thick skinned fruit yellow in color when ripe. Great source of fiber, potassium, vitamins A, C, B6, E & foliate. Unseasoned or green bananas are used in cooking.

Cherries - small round fruit with a seed, red or black in color when ripened. Cherries often have to be ripe to eat. Cherries have in it anthocyanins that restrict pain & swelling.

Figs - Eaten either dried or fresh, figs contain vitamin A, C, foliate and niacin. A small sweet fruit filled of small seeds.

Kiwi - A wealthy source of vitamins A, C, E, B - complex, calcium, iron and folic acid, kiwi is a little egg-shaped fruit with slim brown skin, soft green flesh and black seeds. The skin is a acceptable source of flavonoid antioxidants.

Lime - Lime or lemon is the most cultured citrus fruit with green to yellow color brimming with vitamins A, C and foliate. Juice of lime is good for detoxification and has antioxidant properties.

Peach - Round juicy fruit with a yellowish red skin & flesh having a taste of acidic tang and sweetness contains a rough stone. Always to be picked and eaten ripe.

Orange - A round thick-skinned juicy esculent fruit that is a reddish-yellow color when ripe with sugary to sour flavor. Peeled and eaten fresh or squeezed to produce juice. Hold vitamin C, flavorless, provides pectin and rich in sodium when ripened in sunshine.

Plum - soft round smooth-skinned fruit with honeyed flesh and a flattish pointed stone. It is high in carbohydrates, low in fat and calories. An great source of vitamin A, C, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, fiber and free of sodium and cholesterol.

Papaya - A melon identical fruit with yellow- orange meat with dozens of small black seeds enclosed in skin that ranges in color from green to orange. Either circular, pear-shaped, or long like a banana. Loaded in vitamins A, B, C, and D; calcium, phosphorous and iron. It is high in digestive quality and has a direct tonic effect on the stomach.

Pear - A sugary juicy yellow or green fruit with a blunt shape narrow to the stalk. Excellent eaten at room temperature, pear contains kalium and riboflavine. It is good for skin and contains tons of fibers.

Strawberry - A triangular shaped red color fruit. It is one of the richest sources of Vitamin C and fiber. It has high content of sodium and iron. It helps in whitening of the teeth. Used to relieve rheumatism.

Watermelon - a class of melon with smooth outer rind and succulent sweet red inside flesh. Extraordinarily invigorating to drink as juice or eaten when ripe and fresh. Useful for minerals, vitamins and sugar with useful amount of fibre and iron.
Proper Nutrition for Athletes
11:44 PM | Author: why-is-nutrition-important

We have all heard and study quite a thousand times about the proper nutrition for athletes. We have been encouraged time and time again to trade fast food meals for meals filled of fruits and vegetables as a healthy diet for athletes. For most of us, healthy eating is a matter of changing the habits we have carried for years and choose a healthy diet plan. How amazing would it be if we did our children a favor and helped them to establish healthy eating patterns from the time of their birth?

I'm secure that the generation behind us would grow up greatly healthier and in much less need of notable diet or fitness alterations in their mature years. The more we instruct our children about the good nutrition, important of eating and the more we supply healthy options for them to eat, the better off they will be.

One of the larger reasons that parents do not acquire the time to supply healthy meals for their children is insufficiency of time. I mean really, who has the time to arrange a home cooked meal filled with fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and whole grains every night? My suggestion to all busy parents is to realize how good nutrition important to the health of your children is. Only as you begin to make their health a priority will you fight for ways to provide healthy eating for them.

Establishing healthy eating patterns for children can be as easy as making some easy substitutions in your grocery shopping and menu planning. Trade whole milk for lowfat or skim milk and only get inexpensive fat yogurts or ice creams. Go for whole grain crackers and breads rather than stuffing your cart or their lunch boxes with potato chips or unhealthy snack crackers. Start their day off with healthy eating by only purchasing cereals and oatmeals that are low in sugar and high in necessary vitamins and minerals.

Healthy eating is a matter of making superior food choices. The next time your children beg you to get them fast food, do so only under the condition that they must select from the healthier chicken or salad items on the menu. Look for ways to comply as you bring healthy eating morals into your family.

As the parent it is your responsibility to make sure that your children are developing healthy eating habits. There is no better time to do this than now. Your kids will thank you one day when they are still eating healthy as adults.
Athlete Nutrition
3:11 PM | Author: why-is-nutrition-important

Great nutrition is substantial to a athletic and healthy mind and body. It's true what they say - you are what you eat.

This affirmation points out very essentially that if you nurture your body with low nutritional and sugary garbage, your body has nothing to work with and you'll end up ultimately feeling like garbage.

On the other hand, if you maintain your body with food that is filled with nutrients in the nutrition pyramid such as vitamins, fiber, healthy fats, whole grains and omega-3's, you'll observe a huge distinction in how you look and feel...particularly if you make this group of food a dietary habit.

Right now we're at a crossroad - we understand we ought be eating better with fruit nutrition fact, but there are so numerous restaurants available offering "bad" food and it's making the obesity rate skyrocket. Even restaurants that tender fish platters and other health-conscious meals end up not so good because of the amount of calories you eat between the bread, large portions and dessert.

You have two options:

1. Stay away from fast rood restaurants - and when you eat out at restaurants, be meticulous about what you eat. Stay away from the bread and don't finish all things on your plate...carry the rest home for a meal you can eat the next day.

2. Create a meal at home yourself using ingredients you buy at the grocery store, not frozen entrees.

The target of this article is on number two because by making your own meal, you can oversee accurately what goes into it. The end outcome is a meal that you know is healthful and NOT filled with health-deteriorating ingredients.

Here's an example of the perfect meal you can make at home. It has everything you need for better healt and

hnutrition label.

What you'll need is:

1 9-10 ounce bag of baby spinach

1 can of wild Alaskan pink salmon

1-2 teaspoons of olive oil

1-2 teaspoons of balsamic vinegar

1/2-3/4 cup of brown rice

Here's a breakdown of each food's health advantage:

Spinach - this green leaf is filled with phytonutrients, vitamins and fiber - and it's low in calories.

Wild Alaskan Pink Salmon - yes, canned! It tastes superior than you think. The explanation this is recommended is because the food is a powerhouse of good fats, protein and omega-3's and is low in calories and carbohydrates. The salmon you would usually buy is potentially high in mercury, which is bad. This Wild Alaskan form is free of mercury...and it's inexpensive.

In case you're wondering, Omega-3's are vital for healthy weight loss, brain health and a healthy cardiovascular system.

Olive Oil - full of good fat which your body does need. When you buy olive oil, make sure it's 100% authentic. Some brands are now mixing olive oil with refined oils...the end result is olive oil, but not really.

Balsamic Vinegar - vinegar reportedly controls your blood sugar level when eating which is significant for complete health. As well, it gives the meal more flavour.

Brown Rice - whole grains are stuffed of vitamins and fiber. Check out Uncle Ben's instant brown's pretty good and fast to make.

Making the meal is easy. You merely lay the spinach out on a platter- you can more or less use regardless much you want- and sprinkle 1-2 teaspoons of olive oil and balsamic vinegar over the spinach.

Let this sit for 10 minutes or so- this gives the spinach a chance to drench up the oil and vinegar. While this is sitting, boil the brown rice and open up the can of salmon.

When ready, simply spread the salmon over the spinach and put the brown rice either on the side or in a separate bowl.

And now the best part of all - ENJOY!

This meal will take you 15 minutes max to make and each bite will nourish your body from the inside out. And once you get used to eating healthy, you'll find yourself experimenting with all types of different meals.

This article shared with you one example of a perfect meal, but there are many many more!
Tomato Nutrition Facts
8:01 PM | Author: why-is-nutrition-important

Do you eat tomatoes?What is the tomato nutrition facts? Of course you have known that tomatoes are now eaten readily around the world. You can find tomatoes everywhere as part of fruits and vegetables.

Some experts said that tomato is known as a source of good nutrition, important as it contains a big number of vitamins and minerals that can aid our body's fitness.

Tomatoes have been first cultured in Peru, and then brought to Mexico. Now, tomatoes are sold far and wide. In American grocery stores, tomatoes are frequently picked unripe, and ripened in storage with ethylene.

Which one is better on the nutrition pyramid, unripe or ripe?

Tomatoes that are ripened in storage with ethylene, plant hormone produced by numerous fruits and acts as the cue to start the ripening procedure, tend to stay longer, but have poorer flavor than tomatoes ripened on the plant. They may be recognized by their color, which is more pink or orange than the ripe tomato's deep red.

Based on the tomato nutrition facts, red tomatoes have more vitamin A than green tomatoes. But in this case, green tomatoes have more protein.

If you eat tomatoes daily, which is important to athlete nutrition, it is useful in preventing cancer to 50%. Tomatoes will fight diverse kinds of cancer and guard your heart from heart attack, ideal for healthy diet for athletes.

Why tomatoes are beneficial for health and a healthy diet plan?

Tomatoes bear different kinds of ingredients. Here are some of them:

*Lycopene, one of nature's most powerful antioxidants. It is beneficial to fight different kind of diseases, most of all to fight cancer.

*Fiber in tomatoes prevents diabetes, asthma, colon cancer, and lowers the total of cholesterol from the body.

*Vitamin C and A, antioxidants which fight free radical. They fight against aging, soothe skin and hair.

*Potassium, vitamin B6, folate, and niacin have proven result in lowering cholesterol level, lowering blood pressure and works opposed heart disease.

*Vitamin K in tomatoes helps to build bone.

*Chromium and biotin make the body's power to process sugar and fat, which may improve fighting diabetes and help nerve function.

*Riboflavin helps with energy metabolism and fights against migraine headaches.

So, if you eat ripe, unripe or tomato-based food products (tomato sauce, tomato pasta etc.) all carry numerous nutrients with multiple mechanisms of action to prevent you from different kinds of dise